Cantabile 2 (DK)



Duration: 90 min | Language: English | Age: 16+

Surrounded by a soft dimmed light, you are led through a sensuous universe of visions of the future. Together with the performers and the other participants, you move through the game-like situations that pose questions and generate choices. What sparks your curiosity? Where do you set your limits? When the mind opens to the prospect that anything is possible, anything can be altered, all familiar reference points can be moved – how will that influence our everyday choices?

THE TIME BEING focuses on the big ethical and existential choices we, as humanity, face today. These are choices made possible by the new opportunities that the digital and scientific development makes available. What will we expect from each other and ourselves and how will it affect our relationships when, in the not so distant future, repairing, upgrading and cloning a human body become widely accessible and the average life expectancy can be doubled?

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26.08. MONDAY

DGI Huset kl. 21.00

27.08. TUESDAY

DGI Huset  kl. 20.00


DGI Huset kl. 20.00


DGI Huset kl. 21.00

Admission 220 DKK
(Maximum attendance is 30 individuals)

Tickets can be bought here.


Performere: Kaja Mærke Egeberg, Siri Facchini Haff, Tilde Knudsen, Minni Katina Mertens, Karolina Pietrzykowska
Musiker og performer: Marc Facchini
Instruktør: Nullo Facchini
Koncept og tekster: Nullo Facchini & Ensemblet
Scenografi: Tilde Knudsen
Scenografiassistent: Ea Maria Qvortrup
Teknikere: Per Aagaard, Allan Hansen
Produktion: Cantabile 2